Be who you really are, and you

for what you really want 

become a magnet


You want it in the most efficient, yet expansive way.

I am here to help you do that. 
My unique blend of Rapid Transformational Strategy, Energetics, Physiology, Somatic Work, and Primal Genius ® Framework, is the secret weapon that gets you there. 

BA Psychology, Neuroscience Track - Vanderbilt University

Masters in Clinical Social Work
Craniosacral Therapy 

Former Psychotherapist, turned Master Coach, Consultant & Mentor 

Featured in Thrive Global, Elephant Journal, TedX, The Today Show 

Turned $250 seed fund into multi-six figure business in under 18 months

Seer, Psychic, Clairvoyant, Healer
Founder and Creator of Primal Genius®

You are a multiPassionate, 6/7Figure, Soul Led Powerhouse

And you are here to take your Desires, Dreams and Legacy to the Next Level





Hi! I'm Brooke

I work with multipassionate, powerhouse, 6 figure + creatives and entrepreneurs who have hit a glass ceiling with Men and Money- who have tried to breakthrough to the Next Level on their own or with other high level mentors- and haven't...despite their desire and conviction to. 

My gifts? 
I'm an Aries and a Projector- I cut to the chase.
I pinpoint and illuminate the root cause of exactly what's been keeping you stuck, nail down strategy and solution in a matter of minutes and help you move forward at lightning speed again.

And all in a way that that's not forced, but gently nourishing. Not pushy, but deeply clarifying. 
Not taxing to your mind, body and soul- but rich and expansive. 

Because your Body is the Genius in this House. I am here to celebrate the GENIUS of who you already are, and the magnitude of what your body and your energy can do. 

I guide you deeply to amplifying the Power, Precision and Intelligence of your Genius and Desires, so that you become the Magnet to the Man and The Money.

My work has been referred to as "unparalled and revolutionary."

coach, consultant, force of nature

The Results

Working with Brooke was a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey. Before working with her, I was aware of this other layer to life and success but could never quite "get" it. With her, I not only learned how to shift my mindset around wealth to a positive one, but also view money as a spiritual tool and an extension of Source. She puts spirituality into simple terms and I had my first $10,000 month as a result of taking her Money Mindset course! Brooke is a QUEEN!"
~Samantha Hearn, Nashville-Based Photographer 


I had the pleasure of being coached by Brooke through her High Performance Intensive. I felt completely at ease within the first 2 minutes. It was amazing to see how she was able to draw from multitudes of disciplines. Cognitive reprogramming, habit editing, business strategy and human design. She got to the root of what needs to be unlocked to maximize my performance. Brooke is RARE because she draws from strong science and academic background (thanks to years of degrees) while relating it all back to what works for you.  ~Clair K. 


 Meeting the Love of your Life

"Working with Brooke is like waking up realizing your grandest love and relationship desires have become present moment reality. Brooke helped me leap to the love of my life in 6 months, after a turbulent 20 year realtionship. She took anxiety I'd held for 30 years and released it in a 6 minute process during our first 1:1 Intensive. Whatever the desires of your heart and soul, she will guide you to the Truth!"
~Michelle Weber


 "better than
tony robbins"

"I have been going to business coaches, therapists, Shamans and even TONY ROBBINS events for 13 years, and no one's gotten to the root of my issues like Brooke did .
Brooke nailed it in one session." 
- Kristen L. 


Uplevel Your STandards with Men and MOney

"Inside Brooke's Mastermind, I hit my first 5K month and I couldn't believe how easy it felt. I also created my first group program (that I had been postponing for months before) and it SOLD OUT!! But it wasn't simply about this- I went through a very intense personal situation at the time that was very challenging- but I didn't dip. I held my vibration. I am much more connected to my body, I know how to regulate my nervous system, I know how to welcome my desires and to materialize them. I have upleveled my standards with men and with money. I became the women I was committed to becoming and that has changed everything. Brooke's work will change your life."
~ Eleonore Pochet


Brooke’s blend of down-to-earth spirituality and nerdy metaphysical science truths are right up my alley. Lest ye forget her cut-to-the-chase way of getting to the root cause of what's holding you back yet in a gentle, loving way. Because... she's been there... she knows. There's no BS'ing her. I say this with respect and adoration, she knows her shit.” - Michelle Schoemaker 


 $10,000 in
24 hours

"After one conversation with Brooke, I booked my first 10k client!!!!!! I am shaking. Brooke made me step up and ask for what I feel I'm worth. Literally can't believe it is happening!!! She’s the best at cutting right to the core of a problem and nailing how to move forward.” 
~Mara Ropiel, Entrepreneur


Brooke is a Healer. She has this unexplainable ability to see into my subconscious and bring it to light. She makes me feel as though the broken parts of myself are being pieced back together. When I finish my sessions with her, I feel alive. I leave with purpose and feel connected, both physically and spiritually. Her intuition is not from this Earth, it is a Gift she's been given. There is no one I have encountered that possesses the gifts Brooke has." 
~Corinne Bond, Nurse Practitioner


One of Brooke’s greatest gifts is the ability to show others what it looks like to be an awake being. Too many kumbaya preachers try to tell others what to do to wake-up. The gifted ones, like Brooke, show what it looks like.”
- Roberto Luna, Teacher


manifesting consistently and quickly

I started having fun with myself and my spirit and my magic again. The results haven't stopped. Ended 2019 debt free, earning 91k for the year. I continued being a record breaking "employee to watch" and in my first year had record breaking progress within 6 months of being hired. I ask the Universe for what I need and yield responses consistently and QUICKLY. I've doubled my savings. Manifested my dream apartment, dream car, dream computer, at the price point I asked for. I'm all in and going BIG for 2020."
~Coley Horner


one of a kind insight
and strategy

There are two categories of experts- those that can draw from academic background or those that are more abstract like many self-help books. Brooke is one of the rare ones that can draw from strong science background (her Masters and years as a psychotherapist for example) while also delivering bespoke insight. To be frank, she may be the ONLY ONE that recognizes everyone is different so she gives you customized routines and strategies. I'd recommend Brooke to those that are already productive and successful, but want to push themselves above and beyond using only-for-you strategies. ~Clair Kim


fast results

I got more in 17 minutes on the phone with Brooke than I got from months with other coaches.”  - Trish Kozola, Photographer


Brooke has the incredible ability to catch all the things that are blocking you from success. Within minutes she was able to help me work through a business problem that I had had for months- a problem that had stopped me from creating content, showing up for my community and getting the income I truly desired in my business. Brooke was able to pinpoint my problem, offer me a clear solution and advice on how to move forward instantly. Brooke is incredible and I highly recommend her to anyone looking for a success coach." - Keshani Kay, Copywriter


unlock soul purpose in one session

I realized my soul purpose during a powerful exercise Brooke guided me through during our first session. Before that, I felt unfulfilled and tired in my freelance design career, like I wanted to get to the next stage but felt stuck. Her technique literally leveled me up and guided me on to the next stage of life on a deeper and more powerful level.
~ Kit Craven, Creative Director


$60,000/yr increase in income

Another thing that Brooke helped me with is deepening my understanding of manifesting in a way that makes sense to me personally. She is amazing at teaching you to go inward and navigate the wisdom of your body. I started working with her 1 year ago and went from making $40,000 to just over $100,000 a year, from being a freelance designer to head of creative at a company I completely align with. I am more confident. My relationship with myself and the world has changed.
~ Kit Craven, Creative Director


more love, more happiness,
more ease

I wanna say "hallelujah!" I am feeling so much more happiness, ease, focus, love, gratitude, connection, and overall just a feeling of flow in my life! I came to Brooke feeling completely scattered in certain areas of my life. Through 1:1 coaching and group programs she has given me the tools to break through limitations I was placing on my finances, my relationships, my business, and my self. Her work has opened me up to receiving so much more! More income, more meaningful connection, more travel, more time to rest! I love Brooke!  ~Kyle Casserly


 Pure magic

Brooke! You're simply pure white light healing and magic. You have given me so much hope and faith back into my life. And it's only the beginning of working with you! I'm so grateful for your guidance and teachings.

Brooke's light is so bright it will tear down all of your uncertainty and doubt.
~Jessica M. 


A true teacher helps us remember who we really are and Brooke is just that, a true Teacher. She teaches in a way that is so understandable and life changing. Working with Brooke, I learned to trust and love my truest self and to get out of my own way. She has helped me find AND keep finding my true purpose in life and make that a SUCCESS.
I have manifested trips all over the world, clients, a new business and my dream home, all at the price point I wanted- like down to the last detail. Brooke helped me be my BEST SELF!" ~Kim Shelton  


You have helped me in so many ways it's hard to pick just a few- but one of the major ones would have to be mindset. I especially benefitted from the Money Mindset course. Not only did you truly break down how much negativity and nervous energy I was putting out there in regards to money, but thanks to the course I shifted so much that even to this day (over a year later) I still receive random checks in the mail.
Your teachings are timeless and I still go back to my notebooks from our time together as there as so many lessons I continue to take advantage of.  ~Cristina Rodriguez


I can't speak highly enough of the personalized support Brooke gave me through her Energy Work. I feel more in tune with my body and nervous system and also able to see that I recover more and more easily and am able to maintain a higher level of health. Brooke is down to earth, wants to work with each client on exactly what they need and wants to ensure you see progress. She's bold and willing to be fully honest with what she sees and simultaneously vulnerable enough to travel with you on your journey with an open heart."  ~ Courtney Conley


A new sense of balance became a foundational principle in my life after Energy Work with Brooke. I have overcome Anxiety and turmoil in two sessions. The conflicting emotions which once raged inside of me were replaced with a confidence and spiritual integration as a result of our time together. I genuinely recommend and applaud Brooke for her willingness to share her gifts of healing with others. ~Joseph Fuller


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How do you quantum leap to your goals, speed past the plateau, and blaze by your blindspots? 
You hire me, that's how. 

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