

The place 6-7 figure women come 
when they're ready to move from single to being claimed
by the masculine man of their dreams

"Working with Brooke has been incredibly powerful...I have never been so happy in my love life before."

You are a smart, beautiful, successful, feminine woman. You are accomplished and making your mark in the world. 

You've been looking for your match in a man for what feels like forever.

You are done feeling mystified and confused about why you haven't been claimed by a great, strong, masculine man yet. 

You are versed in feminine energy and polarity, but it's just NOT moving the needle in your love life the way you thought it would. 

You want to feel chased, pursued, led.
You want a Man with PLANS.
You are not interested in "retiring your husband" vibes. You are not into being the breadwinner for him.
You are not interested in "woke" dudes who parade around with Man Buns waxing about spirituality and boring philosophies. 

Your desire is for a Powerful Man, who is not threatened by your drive or your passion to create impact in this world. 

You want to feel the affect that the strength of his protection has on your body and your business.
You CAN take care of yourself, but you want to feel taken care of.

You want to stop looking and be found.

You want to be a woman who is chosen and claimed. 

I am the guide who will get you there.

Through this work you will:

Experience true feminine embodiment, dropped into your heart and your inherent worth.

Shed the conditioning and armor of masculinization that your body is holding to feel healthier, stronger, stable

Feel more joyful and playful.

Reclaim your natural, inherent radiance, where you feel adored and covered by a higher power. 

Claim and embody your standards with men, filtering out the wrong men quickly and become a magnet to the right ones

Get clear on your Yes, and say No to anyone who is not that.

The clarity and brightness of your skin and eyes lifts as you are now walking, Luminous Magnetism

Your energy is completely different- renewed, rejuvenated, restored. You even look younger, more vibrant. People notice. 

You are softening, more receptive, your heart is opening more and more

As you shine brightly, unapologetically, feeling safe to do so. 

This is where he shows up

Often out of nowhere

Immediately, you will feel a completely different dynamic with him.

It's easy, he leads you from the gate. 

He pursues you reliably, consistently. 

He is devoting to your heart, talking about the future, providing financially and emotionally.

His energy is bigger than yours, and you feel both safe and covered by him. 

You feel protected and nourished by his presence, stable, secure and deeply loved.

You are Cherished. 

You are chosen. You are claimed. 

The Result?

"Before working with Brooke I felt very much in my masculine, I had no idea how to drop out of my head and get in touch with my body. I repelled ALL the masculine men and kept attracting f**k boys. 
Within two months of working with Brooke I attracted my DREAM MAN.
I also feel so much more ease in my business. I am tapped into my feminine energy, connected to my body, transformed from the inside out. 
I attracted my soulmate, which to me is the most important thing of all."

- Laura N.

"It's been 6 months now with my Man and he is madly in love with me. He's claiming me over and over again. He is there in the positive and the negative, he never runs away. He's always open and receptive when I have to share heavy things. He's always there for me no matter what's happening. He supports my dreams, he's always proud of me, he shows me his love on a daily basis. Everyone SEES how much he loves me, it's crystal clear. 
This is because of you. This is because of working with you.
You changed my life."

- Eléonore Pochet

How It Works

Together, we move through a Sequence, with 4 elements 

You will get clarity on your standards for men and for Partnership, clarity on the Legacy you are carrying out in the world, clarity on the Woman you really are -beyond conditioning that tells you who you should be, what you should do, how you should act, what you should want. 
You will begin to experience unshakable clarity, and shed the things that are not congruent to it

Following clarity, an element of clearing comes. You will shed the low value men, low value choices, clear the mental, behavioral and physical patterns that drain you and dilute your energy. 
You will come home to your body, feminine essence and radiance through my somatic and embodiment techniques.

You will prioritize being the beautiful, successful, magical woman- living her full life, embodying her Legacy, being passionate and excited about the present and future, being magnetic and radiant as you do. 

Through this process, you become a natural magnet for better and better men, your success and Legacy open wider and wider,  until finally you celebrate.
Because you have attracted the secure, strong, stable masculine man of your dreams. And he has claimed YOU. 

"The sculpture is already complete inside the marble, before I start my work. It is already there, I just have to chisel away the superfluous material." To quote Michelangelo
When asked how he created the Statue of David, he had the vision and "simply carved away everything that was not David."

What you and I will do together is not that different. Who you REALLY are already exists, we shed what is not you until the Truth emerges. And when she emerges, he inevitably shows up to meet you. 

"I am so amazed how I feel compared to our first session. The magic has wayyyyy exceeded what I thought were real life possibilities. Working with Brooke is like waking up realizing your grandest love and relationship desires have become present moment reality. 

Brooke helped me leap to the love of my life within 6 months, after a turbulent 20 year relationship. She took anxiety of 30 years and released it in a 6 minute practice during our first 1:1.
Whatever the desires of your heart and soul, she will guide you to the truth. Brooke helped me find my True Love."

- Michelle Weber

One year after this testimonial, they are still happy and madly in love 

"I was a hot mess in my love life before I started working with Brooke. I had never had a stable, loving relationship with a man. I was only attracting avoidant men that ended up ghosting me, rejecting me and breaking my heart, and it was really difficult for me. 

I am now in a committed relationship with a man who absolutely loves me, supports me and provides for me on a daily basis. I have never been so happy in my love life, and I am truly grateful for the shift that happened for me. Working with Brooke has been incredibly powerful. 

We shattered all the layers that were creating a wobble with men. We created security within me, so that I could welcome and receive the right man for me, instead of chasing the unavailable ones.

And he came out of nowhere, it was different with him from the start.

My old patterns completely died while working with Brooke, and not only did I enter into a committed relationship, I also became a new woman.  

I am eternally grateful for what Brooke did for me, and genuinely feel every woman needs to go through this transformation with Brooke. It changed my life because it changed ME."

-Eleonore P.

“Things began to shift immediately in my body the night of our call.
I felt more supple, more open. There was no need to create tension in my body.
I feel more sensation, more openness, more ability to receive my husband during s(ex). 
I FELT HIM, really felt him fully, for the first time in our 20 year marriage.
I wept at the revelation of feeling within my body that has been so numb for a lifetime. 
He is more tender and nourishing. 
I feel cherished inn the way my heart has always longed for."

- Randi L.

"I met the man of my dreams! We share the same values and are both like 'where have you been all my life.' It's so crazy. Good crazy. From all the work I did with you, stripping back my conditioning. Leaning into my feminine energy.
He has great masculine energy, he supports me, communicates well, amazing s(ex)! He's smart, driven, I could keep gushing I'm so happy."

One year later, they got engaged.
A year after that, they got married.
And today, they are expecting their first baby. 

- Kyle Donovan

"Before working with Brooke, I was anxious. Doubtful, and tentative about my situationship. It would drive me crazy when I wouldn't hear from him and I over analyzed everything. But after just 2 sessions, he started declaring his feelings for me. He said 'I love you' within 2 weeks of our first session.

 He just started doing the things that I wanted without us ever even having a conversation! I love your flavor of magic, Brooke. And for all the ways you’ve helped me intensify my own magic.
I am communicating more clearly, being more confident, knowing I'm a highly desirable women. I feel more trusting, playful, a deepening of our relationship. Cherished and adored.

Our s(ex) has become more connected and meaningful. It is amazing to finally be able to let go, feel safe and also vulnerable. My nervous system is stable, calm, steady. I have so much more energy and excitement in all areas of my life. 

- Michelle B.

I’ve seen far too many people struggle in love,  as they hop from coach to coach, country to country, and magic bullet to magic bullet, hoping that each “cure” they stumble upon will be the one for them. But because they’re turning outward instead of inward, and because they’re scratching the surface instead of giving themselves the focused attention their soul actually craves, it will take them years to experience what their heart so deeply desires.

It's the brave and the bold who decide to dive in with both feet, no excuses. And for them the sea parts, the doors fling open, and they get to bring the big vision into living color. 


2 calls per month for 4 months
Private, focused telegram support between calls

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15K paid in full

or 16k with payment plan 

Extended 6 month payment plan available on request