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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

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I’m about to get REALLY HONEST with you about something

Up until about 3 years ago, I was broke.

And I’m not talking about “oh I have a few thousand in the bank I don’t want to touch” broke-

I’m talking about going days with
ZERO money.

ZERO money kind of broke.

Or let’s be really honest, a negative bank balance for days/weeks at a time, kind of broke.

Crossing my fingers that checks wouldn’t bounce if I timed things right.


Still working 40 hours a week. 

I was being responsible with my money, I just never had “enough.”

In sheer dread and anxiety constantly.

I remember using old dish washing detergent to wash my clothes because I couldn’t afford a $10 bottle of Tide.

I missed nearly every holiday with family because I couldn’t afford the flight home.

I ate dollar menu meals for dinner because that’s what I could afford.

(I know this language isn’t accurate now, but I’m describing this from the scarcity mindset I had back then)

I remember telling a friend once, “I just want to know what it feels like to not live with this constant panic. I feel like I would be a totally different person.”

The reason I’m telling you this isn’t for pity….it’s because I want to be very real with you.

And encourage anyone to see that transformation can happen, EVEN if you feel like your situation is tough. Even if you feel stuck.

I have a 6 figure coaching business today, that I built from ground zero. It will grow into multiple 6 figures this year. I am grateful for everything I have, everything that’s happened, and I appreciate what I’ve done.

I moved myself from broke to 6 figures. Not overnight. But in a pretty short amount of time. What’s possible for one of us is possible for all of us.

So….What was the ‘turning point?’

I decided to change the way I felt. And decided to change the way I was thinking.

I knew, intuitively that it was up to me to change my emotional state….money wasn’t the answer. I was.

(The emotional and mental shift, I’ve learned, will ALWAYS come before the financial one.)

I trained myself to FEEL BETTER despite my circumstances- then my circumstances started changing.

And then I took action.

I trained myself to THINK differently about my life, everyday- then my life started changing.

And I took action.

I listened to Abraham Hicks every day for months. On walks. In the car. Walking into work. Before bed.

I lived and breathed changing my attitude.

And I kept taking aligned action.

I GREW MYSELF out of a story that I’d literally had my entire adult life, and created a new story. ⚡️

It doesn’t matter where you are in life right now. You can start changing your circumstances by changing your emotions and your thoughts.


And taking aligned actions.

Whether you want $1k or $1,000,000 it’s really not that different.

The emotional and mental shift comes before the financial one.

So if you ever wonder “HOW does this chick know that the stuff she teaches works?”

My life is proof that it does.

Use this post as your ah-ha moment, if you want one.

Transformation happens.

You can change your thoughts.
You can change your emotions.
You can change your reality.

Then you can consciously create your reality.

And also…Don’t give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens 

If you’re ready to start making the shift in the way you think, feel and see your reality check out my coaching programs. This is one of the things that I do best, and my techniques will support you in creating the life you REALLY want.





Want a Massive Financial Shift? The Mental and Emotional Shifts Must Come First

October 2, 2018

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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

tell me more!


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