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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

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I’ve had the big income months.
I’ve had the six figure days. But y’all, this threshold I just crossed feels so much bigger….

In Gene Keys we learn that the whole point of any of this work, of everything

Is to live with an open heart, at all times

To find the ways we’ve learned to close our hearts

To find the ways we’ve been habituated and conditioned and traumatized to close our hearts

And to use the keys to consistently find the path BACK to opening our heart

I didn’t think this was possible, at first, honestly

I didn’t understand HOW I could possibly live in this world, with all its flaws and faults

With all the temptations available that distract us, with all the logical ways we could rationalize staying closed off or guarded

And keep my heart open, always

I had a mentor last year who told me “your heart is still like the shutters on a window- it opens and closes. You need to learn how to keep it open, always.”

Another mentor I had would tell me “your Radiance as a woman comes from your open heart.”

Others lovingly and relentlessly kept guiding me back to the truth about what unconditional LOVE actually means…

God told me on more than one occasion over the past year, “Sweetheart- your heart is the BEST part of you.”

My heart had been guarded in ways I didn’t even consciously know for so long

And y’all I was tested.

I mean test-ed

So much pain

My heart broke over and over and over again for years

My heart was broken almost daily from 2020 to this past spring

But something about the timing

Or the accumulation of inner work I’ve been doing for 20+ years, the mentors I’ve had

  • The determination
  • The desire to be embodied in feminine energy
  • To love someone, unconditionally regardless of what the circumstances were
  • Deeply feeling The transits of the Gene Keys this year
  • Using the Mystery School teachings I’ve learned and practiced for 20 years

I’m not sure the exact thing that did it

It was more like a critical mass of healing, a tipping point, a combination of it all


I can honestly say now, today- after years of inner work

Decades of healing

Decades unearthing trauma and the parts of me, my mind and my body that were not-so-obviously keeping my heart closed

That now I understand HOW to live in this world with a fully open heart

💛 I am living in this world with an open heart, every day

I know what it feels like
How to embody it

💛 I can sense when my heart wants to close or guard itself from habit, and soften into full openness again

And I’ve never experienced a freedom like this before in my entire life

Freedom is the Gift of the the human collective’s ultimate journey, according to Gene Keys

It’s what we all seek

And y’all – this experience that I’m living in now?

This TRUE open heartedness?

This Freedom?

It’s liberated me in ways I never imagined

It’s not open mindedness.
Not lovingness.
Not loving kindness
Not compassion….
None of those are it bc they merely scratch the surface of potential of what an unguarded Heart does, what it is, the power it has

A full on Open, unguarded Heart regardless of what’s occurring around, inside and beside me?


I’ve never known Love like this

It’s everything

This is what I want for others

Because once you have it? Know it? Live it?

My god it’s the answer to everything

I just felt called to share this

Because this milestone feels like the biggest one of my life this far



The Biggest Milestone: Living with a fully open Heart

May 13, 2022

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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

tell me more!


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