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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

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If you’re wondering why your mind can’t wrap itself around what’s happening right now…

Most of you know this whole thing feels fishy.

And many of you know you’re getting misinformation (or at the very least, conflicting information) daily.

>> It doesn’t mean a pandemic isn’t happening, it doesn’t mean anyone needs to buy into any kind of bs conspiracy theory- but it does mean more people need to discern what’s Real from what isn’t.

🔥 Fact about your brain: Your mind will overthink things when it’s trying to make sense of something that feels off.

And alot about the events right now feel off>>> so minds are in overdrive right now

(Including social media, it’s just a macro version of mind and it’s in overdrive too)

When your mind is constantly getting misinformation that doesn’t line up with what your gut or instincts tell you-

>> You are going to feel nuts or confused.

🔥 You aren’t designed to process this much bullshit daily y’all.

(Ever been in a relationship with a narcissist or addict? When you know something isn’t right, but they keep telling you a different story? Or that you’re nuts for thinking something’s not right….spinning it back on you…And you wind up feeling coo coo? SAME THING)

🔥 Most people are in a codependent relationship with a dishonest, mentally ill Authority (government, economy, the system insert whatever word) right now.

Making choices based on what isn’t real.

They’re not discerning what’s Real from what isn’t, and so they’re at the whim of any and all waves of misinformation and toxic fear.

It’s not good.

If you’re not anchored by Integrity, you feel pushed and pulled around like a rag doll- emotionally and mentally.

One simple thing to do that works?

Get out of your head.

Remove focus from “information” and put focus on experientials.

For a whole day. or three.

Go to a park or hike or the mountains.

There are no lies or misinformation in nature.

There is no fake news on a river bank.

Nature helps.

It’s a fast track back to Integrity.

And she doesn’t give mixed messages.

From that space- your mind empties/clears a little, you drop into your body, and what’s REAL is a lot easier to see.

Discernment, critical thinking and real connection get easier when your mind isn’t over-saturated with bad information.

The priorities are clear and simple from there. xx

I give several other effective tips on how to align with and sustain connection to your Integrity in my 1:1 and group programs. Which you can access on the Ways to Work With Me page here.

Unconscious humans distort reality.
🔥 Don’t bother listening to them.

Integrity is always the place to focus and will always lead you to the correct, most powerful choices.

🔥 And we need more real people in their power right now.


How to stay in Integrity amidst a global pandemic and misinformation…

April 5, 2020

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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

tell me more!


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