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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

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Something really special happens when I work with successful, high performing women with BIG purpose, leading a BIG Mission- who are also…. pregnant.

This is something I haven’t talked about much on socials because it feels sacred. But I felt called to share this today

Because of my unique ability to speak to your body, communicate with the Primal Genius® within YOU, hear and sense what your body really wants and needs- underneath your personality, beyond who-you-think-you-are, underneath your mind and thoughts- I can also speak to, hear and sense what your baby is trying to tell you too.

I was on a call with a client recently

She was about 4 months pregnant. She wanted to reconnect to a deeper, bigger purpose. And she wanted to have her ducks in a row BEFORE the baby came, because like a great, high performing women, she plans ahead.

I tell her from the beginning of the call, “Baby is telling me already, that she wants to be a part of this session. She has somethings she wants you to know. Is it ok if we take that direction, in partnership WITH her?”

“Of course,” my client says. “That’s bringing tears to my eyes. That feels really special.”

We move through the work, listening to her body- finding the places she holds tension. To soften and relax the holds. Releasing the tightness along the small of her back, engaging the desires of her heart. Hearing an invitation to pivot in her career in a way that allows her to FEEL connected to a sense of THRIVING creativity again, that allows her not just to consult for the multimillion dollar companies or creating art FOR her clients….but to embark forward creating HER OWN art. Independently.

She’s an incredible graphic designer, who had been working as the Creative Director for a huge company- but something was missing. She felt disconnected somehow.

So together we tapped into and unleashed a renewed drive to start creating projects of her own, beyond the direction of an outside company…a new arm of her career, where her creative genius takes the lead…

and at this exact moment, something more magical happens…

Her baby began to tell me things like “tell my mom that I want to be a part of her mission, that I want her to bring me along. I am not separate. Make sure she knows that her happiness makes ME happy too.”

I share this with my client.

We both start to tear up again.

“I had never thought about pregnancy this way before. That SHE wants to be a part of this. That SHE has a Voice, even before she’s born. That I can make her FEEL included.”

My client doesn’t just feel HER alignment spark in this moment, but her baby clicks into alignment with her too, viscerally.

I know this may sounds crazy but -Yes, they have a Voice, well before they’re born. And I believe that making a baby feel PART OF the decision making process is so valuable. If not imperative. This is revolutionary when you think about it.

Imagine a child feeling like she (or he) is SEEN and heard, before she’s even born. Imagine what kind of leg up that gives her in life. A child who’s not trying to vie for attention or perform for her worth, because she ALREADY has it before the day she’s born.

My client’s little one already feels PART OF the family, part of mom’s choices, part of a bigger mission- before birth. And this baby makes Mom aware that she WANTS this.

This is HUGE.

You know all those wounds you’ve spent so much time “healing,” all that time and money you’ve invested in finding the core of your feelings of abandonment, your feelings of not being SEEN, the belief that you can’t take up space, your confusion about why you felt you had to PERFORM for love as a child?

Some of those started when you were in your mother’s belly. Completely by accident. And were then perpetuated into childhood.

But imagine if you came into the world already feeling seen, already feeling heard, already knowing you can take up space, already knowing you were loved implicitly- because it had all been communicated directly to you. Imagine how different things might have been for you. And now imagine giving THAT kind of start for your little one.

Sit with that….it’s so profound it’s making me emotional as I type this.

And let me be clear: I am not speaking esoterically here. I am not speaking about the baby, I am not guessing according to some flippant version of intuition, I am not speaking to “spirit guides,” to its guardian angels or its energy field. I’m speaking directly to the baby.

This is part of my Gift and part of my Genius.

It’s part of the method I created and developed almost 20 years ago, called Primal Genius®

In the same way that I can see and feel how your energy is leaning far into the right side of your body (an indication that you are leaned into masculine too much by the way) on an audio call, without seeing you physicallyI can see and feel what baby is up to, feeling and asking too.


In the same way I can see and feel that the surgery you had on your cervix years ago, causes a bracing that effects the way you make love to your partner, without physically seeing you- I can see and feel what your baby is up to, feeling and asking of you.

Because your baby is inside of your body. And everything in your body is what I am a Master at communicating with.

I didn’t really plan on sharing this today

To be honest, I woke up in the middle of the night with a very clear call TO share this. There are at least two of you reading, who I believe this is for.

You are a woman, already leading a profound mission. You are already intuitive, powerful and revolutionary- leading hundreds if not thousands of other women. And you adore your partner. And you are pregnant 🙂

(Or you’re about to be)

If this is speaking to you, like you want a direct line of communication with the little one inside of you….

I invite you to reach out for a 1:2 call with me.

These are 1:2 calls, not 1:1- because there are two of you I’m speaking to

The end of this call, was truly special. Because not only did my client feel lighter, assured, expanded and certain of her next moves- but also viscerally FELT and knew that her little one felt included in her process. Not just along for the ride as a child in her womb, but ON BOARD, SEEN, heard and happily Part of the Legacy, in more ways than one.

A physical, emotional and energetic cohesion between momma and child.

We asked little one how she felt at the end of the call – “Joyful! Acknowledged! Thank you.” And Momma could feel her smiling 🙂

If I remember correctly, little one fluttered playfully at the end too. So endearing!

That’s what I felt called to share. There are two women reading this right now, that I know this experience is for. Reach out if it’s you.

Ps: For those open to it, I would be thrilled to make it a 1:3 experience on a follow up call, because Dads should be included in this experience too


For the Pregnant Mommas, leading a BIG Mission right now

August 4, 2024

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law of attraction



I'm Brooke! Glad you found me. I'm a Transformational Coach, Consultant and Human Potential Expert. 
I turn conscious, high-performing leaders into champions in their industry.

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