The more I travel the more I realize I HAVE to travel. Like it’s part of my DNA to explore and pay homage to different places around the world. I’ve mentioned this before, but I believe we don’t just have soul mates in people, we have them with land too. There are certain places we each feel called to, drawn to…certain places that we feel wash us with a wave of peace and relief.
In the same way that we feel “chemistry” with a person, I believe we feel chemistry with lands. Whether it’s in our lineage or heritage or part of a Soul Contract, there are places that we long for, like homesickness. The Germans call this Fernweh and I believe it’s real. I’ve made it a priority in my life to listen to those callings, to listen to intuition and track the places on this Earth that beckon me.
Where are your places? We all have them. Like a genetic history that’s imprinted into our being. When we find a landscape or country or maybe even just a spot beside the sea that’s in our alignment, we know it. We feel it. Like a code or program or a soul-based treasure hunt. These places have things to teach us. Find yours. Go there💞
This year is showing me so much and I’m so excited to keep learning more. Follow the Fernweh and get out into the great, wild world.
#travel #plans #purpose #inspire #fernweh #soulmates #liveyourpurpose #lineage #leylines #codes #codex #soul #journey
About Fernweh, Lineage and Soul Contracts
March 2, 2017
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